Well... post #1 - After telling my friend Keisha about my desire to go on a big road trip this coming summer, she suggested I create a blog so that I can share and update my experiences periodically along the way.
It just so happens I ended up buying the perfect road trip car. I just picked up my brand new 2010 Honda Element EX last night. (Didn't take a picture of mine yet, so I'm using a stock pic of one that looks just like mine). Anyway, I love my 'E'! But today, I discovered one thing I don't like about it -- the headlights don't automatically shut off like it did in my Corolla. As a result, I absentmindedly left the lights on this morning, ending up with a dead battery this afternoon. I haven't had to use AAA in over 10 years, and not even owning the car 24 hours, I had to call them. I sincerely hope this isn't a sign of what's to come while on a road trip in the middle of nowhere.